That horrible, devastating, knock you on your ass "C" word. The diagnosis you never want to hear from a doctor. Well that's what I heard on Thursday this week when I took my mom to see her doctor. We all know someone who is fighting or has fought this horrible disease. Today my mom has been added to this ever growing list of heroes who will take on this nasty invader. Of course we are ever mindful of keeping a positive attitude but I know we will face some tough times ahead and through the friendships I have built over the years, I know I will find my own strength. In the past I have been so thankful with the amazing friendships I have made with the wonderful creative women I have discovered through my passion for scrapbooking and I know on this new journey my family is travelling through my friends will support me when times are tough, bring me laughter and joy and give me the strength I need to remain positive for my mom and family. I sincerely thank each and every one of you for being my friends.
On a positive note. I have been a little pre-occupied and haven't been over to
Creative Scrappers for a few days but today when I visited I was so surprised to see that I had won on the last day of their birthday celebration for the
cake Emily and I made! This truly made my day! Thanks so much Kristine! I really had fun celebrating with you all this month!
11 Lovely Comments:
Kathy, soo sorry to hear about your mom. Will be keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. ((Hugs))
Oh Kathy, how devastating that you and your family got this diagnosis.
I hope you know that I am here for you and will do all I can to support you while you and your family work through this. As you know, I have been a caregiver, and have learned to navigate the road ahead.
Be sure to call me if you need me, whether it's 2 am or 4pm.
Sending healing thoughts and much love your way.
kathy, i am so sorry to hear about your mom - if there is anything i can do you just let me know!
Kathy, I am so sorry to hear this. I will keep you, your mom & your family in my prayers. Colleen
Kathy, I am so sorry to read about this. I will keep you, your mom and family in my prayers. Take care.
Thank you all so much for your prayers and support! Hugs
Hey Sweetie! I am so sorry to hear about your Mom's diagnosis ... time to load up an ipod with relaxing and cheerful tunes to help though this incredibly difficult time. I'm a great believer in using music and humour to make it through difficult times ... sending you all healing thoughts and mediations and i am here for ya, anytime.
As I said on the phone.... call me, I'm two minutes away if you need anything :) ((hugs)) and sending loving thoughts to you and your family.
Hello, neighbour. I was planning to drop by to say "Congrats!" on your winning over at Creative Scrappers. I recognized your cake on Facebook and found out later you won!!! Then I found out the news about your mom. I'm so sorry about it, and I know exactly how you're feeling now as I had the same experience in 2004 when my mom was diagnosed with cancer. She passed away one year ago, but her spirit inspires me everyday. LIVE RIGHT, LIVE WELL, LIVE NOW - my motto for life. And be strong!
Kathy, I'm so sorry to read this post and want you to know that I am sending you and your mom as much positive energy as I can. If you need anything at all - let me know. Your friends will be here for you.
Hugs to you and your mom. I kinda know how rough this can be b/c my mom has critical heart disease and an inoperable tumor so we've been dealing with my mom's failing health. All I can say, is what we try to do every day...be thankful for every day, do what you can to be supportive and helpful and make sure you also take time to acknowledge and deal with your feelings during this time. My prayers will be with your family.
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